Below you will find our answers to the most frequently asked questions from our users. If you have a question now answered below, please contact us with the contact form located here.
Desktop/Laptop/Tablet: This button is located at the top of the web page. A pull-down menu displays all categories for ecards in the ECF library, organized alphabetically.
All other devices: (HOME icon) This button is located at the top left of the page. A pull-down menu displays all categories for ecards in the ECF library, organized by section. (The alphabetized feature is not available on devices.)
Constantly changing, this page shows the ECF ecards that are popular with our members. The first ecard shown is the most popular, having been sent more times than any other ecard. Simply click on any ecard in this section in order to address and send it.
This page showcases new ECF ecards as they are added to the site. Simply click on an ecard to address and send.
A pull-down menu to access site tools that make your ecard experience easier. (More detailed information on these useful tools can be found below.)
A pop-up menu that explains our membership policy.
Simply click on the magnifying glass icon and type a keyword in the text bar to find a category.
G) UPCOMING EVENTS CALENDAR (Desktop/Laptop/Tablet Only)
A handy calendar located on the bottom left of the website page displays all upcoming major Holidays and their dates for the current month. Simply click on a event to go to that category in our ecard library. Unfortunately, this feature is not available on all devices.
MY ACCOUNT page allows to you to view and edit your membership information.
a) You can check your user name and view the status of your account membership.
b) You can cancel your membership.
c) You can see how many ecards you've sent since joining.
d) Account stats. An at-a-glance overview of your account activity.
e) You can change your email or password on this page.
Your name and email may be edited/corrected simply by clicking in the appropriate fields, typing in new text and pressing a hard return.
You can change your password easily by simply clicking on the CHANGE PASSWORD pull-down and filling in the appropriate fields.
The ADDRESS BOOK is a handy feature that allows to you to save the email addresses of your contacts in a convenient table. When sending an ecard, you simply click on your contact's name in the address chart (+/- on devices) and the appropriate name and email fields are automatically filled-in.
Shows your entire list of contacts in an easy-to-read chart.
Name/Email: Simply click on a contact name to edit this information in a pop-up menu. It is important to keep all your contact's emails updated.
Dates Reminder: This handy feature allows you to mark birthdays and anniversaries for people on your contacts list and assign delivery dates for reminders so that you never forget another important date. (If you'd like to assign additional event dates, you may do so on the EVENTS REMINDER page.) Click on the MM/DD/YYYY field next to the birthday cake icon and select a date for your contact's birthday. Make sure the year is correct. Click on the MM/DD/YYYY field next to the calendar icon and select a date for your contact's anniversary. Make sure the year is correct. Underneath these dates, you'll see ON EVENT DATE. Click on this pull-down menu to set a date for a reminder email to be send to you. You will receive a notice reminder via e-mail on the day you request. If you leave the setting at default, a notice will be e-mailed to you on the same day as your contact's Birthday or Anniversary. When you receive a notification, simply log in to ECF and pick and send your ecard. It is not necessary to assign dates for any of your contacts if you do not want to receive a notification.
NOTE: Assigning dates or reminders for people on your contact list is not mandatory.
If you do use this feature, it is recommended that you TEST NOTIFICATIONS in order to ensure that you successfully receive all notification emails that you set up. Simply click on the TEST NOTIFICATIONS orange button located on the EVENTS REMINDERS page, under the ACCOUNT TOOLS tab. You will see a pop-up prompt asking you to approve a test email. When you click OK, ECF will send an automatic test email to your inbox. Check your inbox to see if the test was delivered successfully. If you don't see the test email, check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders. Identify the notification email from ECF and mark it as NOT SPAM. You may also add our email ( to your 'Safe' or 'White' List. In addition, you can set up a new contact card in your email address book for and your email application will flag all future email notifications as safe. It is good idea to send a second test after you make these adjustments.
Note: You only need to perform the TEST NOTIFICATIONS exercise once or twice to make sure your email notifications are going through. You don't need to test each time you set a REMINDER or each time you visit the site. However, it is a good idea to retest if you change your email address or your email provider.
X: Easily remove any unwanted contacts from your ADDRESS BOOK with one click.
A pop-up form appears with fields for first and last name along with an email address.
Name/Email: Simply fill in the appropriate information and your contact will appear in the LIST.
Dates Reminder: You may also access this handy feature when you create a new contact. Click on the MM/DD/YYYY field next to the birthday cake icon and select a date for your contact's birthday. Make sure the year is correct. Click on the MM/DD/YYYY field next to the calendar icon and select a date for your contact's anniversary. Make sure the year is correct. Underneath these dates, you'll see ON EVENT DATE. Click on this pull-down menu to set a date for a reminder email to be send to you. You will receive a notice reminder via e-mail on the day you request. If you leave the setting at default, or if you don't touch this setting, a notice will be e-mailed to you on the same day as your contact's Birthday or Anniversary. The dates you assign will be flagged on your personal CALENDAR, found under ACCOUNT TOOLS. NOTE: Assigning dates or reminders for people on your contact list is not mandatory.
Search: Click to search for a contact's listing. You may search by first name, last name or both.
Display all contacts: Click here to go back to your full listings after making an adjustment to a particular listing.
TEST NOTIFICATIONS: When you add new contacts, it is recommended that you TEST NOTIFICATIONS in order to ensure that you successfully receive all notification emails that you set up. Simply click on the TEST NOTIFICATIONS orange button located on the EVENTS REMINDERS page, under the ACCOUNT TOOLS tab. You will see a pop-up prompt asking you to approve a test email. When you click OK, ECF will send an automatic test email to your inbox. Check your inbox to see if the test was delivered successfully. If you don't see the test email, check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders. Identify the notification email from ECF and mark it as NOT SPAM. You may also add our email ( to your 'Safe' or 'White' List. In addition, you can set up a new contact card in your email address book for and your email application will flag all future email notifications as safe. It is good idea to send a second test after you make these adjustments.
Note: You only need to perform the TEST NOTIFICATIONS exercise once or twice to make sure your email notifications are going through. You don't need to test each time you set a REMINDER or each time you visit the site. However, it is a good idea to retest if you change your email address or your email provider.
Your addresses will be saved as long as you remain a member. If you cancel your membership, or choose not to renew, your contact list will be saved in our database for a period of a year in the event that you decide to sign up again. If you would like your PROFILE, CONTACT and HISTORY information to be removed, please contact us with your e-mail address and user name at
The EVENTS REMINDER tool is a handy feature that allows to you to set up and view event dates and reminders for all your friends and contacts. If you set up an event in this section, it will appear on your personal calendar.
Shows your entire list of scheduled events and dates in an easy-to-read chart.
Event Name: This box shows the name that you have assigned for a particular event. Simply click in that field to edit the information easily. This information will show up on your personal CALENDAR.
Event Detail: If you like you can include a short description of the event or special instructions or notes that you'd like to remember. Simply click in the field to edit the information easily.
Event Date: You can check and change the date of your events here. Simply click on the date next to the calendar icon to change or adjust. Check that the year is correct.
You may also set up or adjust a timed reminder date here. Simply click ON EVENT DATE to assign a date when you'd like to be reminded. A reminder e-mail will be sent to you on the morning of that date. Reminders are sent to the email address set-up with your account. If you do not make a change in this box, your reminder e-mail will be sent automatically on the morning of the event.
Make sure the year is correct. Click on NO REPEAT to set a repeat of the event, if required. If you do not set a repeat date, the event will NOT automatically be repeated.
Note: Birthdays and Anniversaries set-up through your ADDRESS BOOK will automatically be repeated each year unless your membership lapses.
Delete: Simply click on the orange X to remove an entry from your list and your calendar.
This is an easy form for adding new events and reminders to your events reminder chart as well as your personal calendar.
NOTE: It is important to TEST NOTIFICATIONS to make sure that your reminder notifications are received.
Reminders Will Be Sent To: This is the email associated with your account. All reminders, ecard copies, verification emails and membership information is sent to this address. You may change this email address on the MY ACCOUNT page under the ACCOUNT TOOLS. Simply click on the appropriate box, backspace to clear the field and make any adjustments needed. Press enter or return to save your changes.
Event Date: Use the handy pull-down calendar to assign a date for your event. Advance the month view by using the arrows. Make sure the year is correct.
Event Name: Type in a name for your event. This will appear in a flag on your personal calendar.
Remind Me: Select a date when you'd like to be reminded of this event. Choose from 'On event day' or from 1 day before up to 30 days before. You will received an email on that date reminding you of the event. If you do not adjust this date, your reminder will automatically be generated on the morning of the same day as the event.
Repeat: You can easily set up a repeat for the event in this pull-down menu. Choose from NO REPEAT, REPEAT every weeK, repeat every month, or repeat every year. This is very useful for events that you'd like to be reminded of every year, like a Birthday, or an event that you'd like to be reminded of every month, like a date night.
If you do not assign a date in this box, your reminder will only happen for that year. If, however, you set the date to be remembered every year, the event will automatically carry over to next year's calendar and the appropriate reminder email will be issued.
If you cancel your membership, your profile and ADDRESS bOOK will be saved, but you will have to reset all your event dates if you choose to rejoin at a later date.
Create New Event: Check to make sure that all your information is correct. Click CREATE NEW EVENT to save. You event will appear on your personal calendar and in your LIST of event reminders. Use the EVENT REMINDER page to check and/or adjust your event listing.
This shows your entire list of scheduled events and dates in an easy-to-read chart. Use this button to toggle back to your list after making changes to a particular event or creating a new one.
Click on this function to check your personal calendar. Use the direction arrows to advance the month. This is a great way to check that your events are correctly saved in your database folder. Holidays are also shown in the calendar and links to those card categories in ECF's library.
When you add new contacts, it is recommended that you TEST NOTIFICATIONS in order to ensure that you successfully receive all notification emails that you set up. Simply click on the TEST NOTIFICATIONS orange button located on the EVENTS REMINDERS page, under the ACCOUNT TOOLS tab. You will see a pop-up prompt asking you to approve a test email. When you click OK, ECF will send an automatic test email to your inbox. Check your inbox to see if the test was delivered successfully. If you don't see the test email, check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders. Identify the notification email from ECF and mark it as NOT SPAM. You may also add our email ( to your 'Safe' or 'White' List. In addition, you can set up a new contact card in your email address book for and your email application will flag all future email notifications as safe. It is good idea to send a second test after you make these adjustments.
Note: You only need to perform the TEST NOTIFICATIONS exercise once or twice to make sure your email notifications are going through. You don't need to test each time you set a REMINDER or each time you visit the site. However, it is a good idea to retest if you change your email address or your email provider.
The CALENDAR tool is a handy feature that allows to you to see all the events that you have scheduled for any given month at a glance. Simply click on the right or left arrows to advance the month or use the easy pull-down menus.
The calendar will read as a list on smaller devices.
All the special events that you've assigned, as well as the Birthdays and Anniversaries that you previously set up for your contact list, are displayed here. Simply click on an event flag to change or edit a listing.
If you would like to add a new EVENT to your CALENDAR, simply double-click on the date number. Fill out the information required and your event will be added automatically to the Calendar. Be sure to choose a time for a reminder notification to be emailed to you.
Test Notifications : The first time you add a new event or holiday, it is recommended that you TEST NOTIFICATIONS in order to ensure that you successfully receive all notification emails that you set up. Simply click on the TEST NOTIFICATIONS orange button located on the EVENTS REMINDERS page, under the ACCOUNT TOOLS tab. You will see a pop-up prompt asking you to approve a test email. When you click OK, ECF will send an automatic test email to your inbox. Check your inbox to see if the test was delivered successfully. If you don't see the test email, check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders. Identify the notification email from ECF and mark it as NOT SPAM. You may also add our email ( to your 'Safe' or 'White' List. In addition, you can set up a new contact card in your email address book for and your email application will flag all future email notifications as safe. It is good idea to send a second test after you make these adjustments.
Note: You only need to perform the TEST NOTIFICATIONS exercise once or twice to make sure your email notifications are going through. You don't need to test each time you set a REMINDER or each time you visit the site. However, it is a good idea to retest if you change your email address or your email provider.
Note: You only need to perform the TEST NOTIFICATIONS exercise once or twice to make sure your email notifications are going through. You don't need to test each time you set a REMINDER or each time you visit the site, unless you change your email or your email provider.
Each calendar page also displays all holidays for that month. For example: December's calendar would feature date flags for Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve. If you click on any one of these dates, you will go to the front page of that section of ECF's ecard library where you have to easy option to pick and send an ecard. Click the back button on your browser to go back to your calendar.
Yes. Simply advance the calendar month by using the arrows at the top right side of the page to find the month of the Holiday you're interested in. You'll notice that all major Holidays are flagged. Click on the date number for that date and set a reminder. Choose a time for a reminder notification to be emailed to you and be sure to TEST NOTIFICATIONS.
The FAVOURITES page is useful for storing ecards that you would like to bookmark for another time or event. For example, if you are searching for a particular ecard and you come across a birthday ecard that would be perfect for a friend, but their birthday is not for several months, you can save that ecard to your FAVOURITES page. When the big day arrives, you'll know where to go to find that ecard again.
It's easy. When you are perusing the ECF foundry library of ecards and you find an ecard that you'd like to save, simply click on the ecard. You will flip to the EMAIL THIS ECARD page, as usual. Click on the ADD TO FAVOURITES button on the bottom right-hand side of the page. The ecard will automatically be saved to your FAVOURITES page. Click the back button on your browser to go back to the previous page. If you check your FAVOURITES page, you'll see a thumbnail of the ecard you saved. You can save as many ecards as you like to your FAVOURITES page.
When you want to send the ecard, simply click on the ecard thumbnail on your FAVOURITES page and follow the usual steps.
If you'd like to remove an ecard from your FAVOURITES page, simply click on the ecard on the FAVOURITES page. The EMAIL THIS ECARD page will pop-up. Simply click on the REMOVE FROM FAVOURITES button on the bottom right and your ecard will be removed. Click the back button on your browser to go back to the previous page.
The HISTORY page saves information on all the ecards that you've sent. This page displays clickable thumbnails of all your ecards, along with the dates they were sent and recipient email addresses. This feature is very useful in making sure that you don't send repeat ecards to a single contact. This page also shows all ecards that you have scheduled for future delivery.
The HISTORY page also shows the dates and times that your ecards were viewed or picked up by their recipients. This is particularly useful for checking the delivery status of your ecard and alerting you to potential issues with transmission. Click on the numbers at the bottom of the page to navigate to different pages.
Displays your list of ecards scheduled for delivery at a future date in an easy-to-read chart.
Scheduling Ecards for Future Delivery: It's easy to schedule ecards! When you select and click on an ecard, the EMAIL THIS ECARD page pops-up. Add a message in the Email Editor, if desired. Click on the PERSONALIZE AND SEND button. Address the ecard as normal by filling in the name and email of the recipient or by double-clicking on the address book chart (+/– on devices.) Be sure to check off the PLEASE NOTIFY ME WHEN THE RECIPIENT VIEWS CARD option. Click the SEND NOW button. The ecard will NOT actually be 'sent now', but instead will be saved in your HISTORY library for up to year. The ecard and your notification (if you selected this option) will be sent out at 8 am on the date you specified.
You may schedule ecards up to a year in advance. If you change your personal email before the ecard is sent, your ecard will be delivered as scheduled, but the notification might not reach you. Always keep your email updated on the MY ACCOUNT page. If you'd like to make a change to your scheduled ecard, you will need to delete the current ecard on the HISTORY page and start over on the EMAIL THIS ECARD page.
Monitor delivery of your ecard by checking the DATE PICKED UP column in the chart. If no date/time appears within a reasonable time, click on the ECARD NOT PICKED UP? button on the right for options.
ECARD NOT PICKED UP: There are often situations with servers and browsers and providers that limit the delivery of ecards. Unfortunately, these situations are out of our control. At ECF we like to be up front about these potential issues and offer easy solutions.
Unfortunately, some email applications interpret ecards as SPAM or JUNK MAIL. If you notice after a reasonable time that no date/time info is displayed in the DATE PICKED UP tab for an ecard on the HISTORY page, the first thing to do is check to see that the email address is correct. This is displayed in the SENT TO box next to the ecard.
You should also touch base with your contact to make sure they have checked their email.
Traffic on a receiving server may sometimes delay ecard delivery. In addition, some email applications inhibit reception by blocking remote content (see below.) ECF includes a link with each ecard in order to get around this issue, but these ecards may not always track properly on the HISTORY page.
If your contact has checked their email and the ecard was not received, it's usually due to one of these main issues that are out of our control:
a) SPAM FILTERS: The email is being blocked by your friend's SPAM filter. Contact your friend and ask them to check their SPAM or Junk Mail folder. It is usually possible to adjust SPAM filter settings to allow future emails. You may also ask your contact to add to their 'white or safe list'.
b) BLOCKED EMAILS: The email provider you are sending to is blocking 3rd party emails from websites such as There may be a way to adjust this setting or flag certain emails as being acceptable.
c) Work-assigned emails: Government, School, Hospital, First Responder, Retail and Corporate group servers have highly-tuned filters that will not always permit emails from commercial sites to be delivered. In this case, please use a private email for your contact, if possible.
d) Gmail: If your friend is a Gmail, Yahoo or other email application user, your ecard may have ended up in the inbox under the PROMOTIONS tab or in the SPAM or ALL MAIL folders. Your contact can move this ecard to their inbox by locating the ecard and clicking on the NOT SPAM button. All future ecards from ecardfoundry will then be delivered to their inbox as normal. You may also ask your contact to add to their 'white or safe list'. In addition, if your contact adds to their email address book, future ecards from you will be successfully received in their regular inbox.
SOLUTION: The easiest solution in these cases is to email a LINK to your ecard using your personal email account. You can do this easily from the HISTORY page by clicking on the Copy Card URL button next to the ecard you'd like to resend on the HISTORY page. The info is automatically saved. Next, compose a regular email for your friend and place your curser in the body of the email and PASTE (right-click, use the PASTE command under EDIT in the top menu bar, 'command V' on a MAC, or place and hold your finger until the PASTE option appears on iphone or ipad.) A link to your ecard will appear in email. Send your email as usual. Since the email is coming from your email, it is less likely to get flagged as spam.
View a picture library of all your ecards. A well-organized and easy-to-read chart showing information about all the ecards you've sent. Each ecard gets it's own entry, even if you've sent the same ecard to multiple emails in a mass email.
Card: A clickable thumbnail picture of each ecard that you've sent. Click on each picture to see a preview of that ecard.
Sent To: Displays the names and addresses of the ecard recipients.
Eg: EC Foundry
Quickly check that your email addresses are correct when tracking a card.
If the ecard was posted to social media instead of being emailed, you will see a notice telling you so. There will be no name or email listed.
Copy Card URL: This teal button is located under the e-mail (or shared with social network) in the SENT TO column. Use this handy button to automatically copy and save a link to your ecard. Simply click the button and the URL will be saved in your scrapbook. Compose a regular e-mail and address it to your friend. Place your cursor in the body of the email and paste (right click on your mouse, pull-down menu under EDIT from the top bar menu, 'command V' on a MAC, or position your finger until the PASTE option appears on ipad or iphone.) This places a clickable link to your ecard in your email. Send the ecard as normal. The recipient will be able to click on the link and view their ecard. This feature is a handy alternative to resending ecards that are blocked by SPAM or JUNK MAIL filters.
Date Sent: This shows the date and time that your ecard was sent.
Eg: Dec 17 2016
10:06:22 PM
Date Picked Up: This shows the date and time that your ecard was received and viewed via email.
Eg: Dec 17 2016
10:08:41 PM
Check this field often to make sure your ecard was received. REFRESH your page to view updates. If your ecard is not picked-up in a reasonable amount of time, contact the recipient and ask them to check their e-mail. You should also check to make sure the email is correct. (You can check this under SENT TO.) For further instructions refer to ECARD NOT PICKED UP above.
Actions: Easily control your HISTORY Chart entries by a series of small icons located on the right of the chart.
RESEND CARD (Green Arrow): Click on this icon to send the ecard and message to your email recipient a second time with no changes. The repeat ecard does not show up as a new entry on your HISTORY page. This feature does not work on ecards posted to Social Media.
SEND THIS CARD TO SOMEONE ELSE (Blue Arrow): Click on this icon to go back to the to original CUSTOMIZE page for this ecard. Personalize, address and set a new delivery date and the ecard will be delivered as normal. This is a handy feature for sending a favourite ecard to different people at different times.
DELETE CARD (Orange X): Use this button to easily remove ecards and delivery records from your HISTORY page completely.
NOTE: Be careful not to remove entries of ecards posted on social media, as their links will be lost. There is no harm in keeping your ecard records for a number of months or up to a year. If you let your membership lapse or choose not to renew, your ecard HISTORY will remain in our database for up to a year in case you decide to renew in the future.
If you would like your PROFILE and HISTORY information to be completely removed, please contact us with your e-mail address and user name at:
You can monitor delivery of your ecard by checking the DATE PICKED UP column in the chart. There are often situations with servers and browsers and providers that limit the delivery of ecards. Unfortunately, these situations are out of our control. At ECF we like to be up front about these potential issues and offer easy solutions. Unfortunately, some email applications interpret ecards as SPAM or JUNK MAIL. If you notice after a reasonable time that no date/time info is displayed in the DATE PICKED UP tab for an ecard on the HISTORY page, the first thing to do is check to see that the email address is correct. This is displayed in the SENT TO box next to the ecard.
You should also touch base with your contact to make sure they have checked their email.
Traffic on a receiving server may sometimes delay ecard delivery. In addition, some email applications inhibit reception by blocking remote content (see below.) ECF includes a link with each ecard in order to get around this issue, but these ecards may not always track properly on the HISTORY page.
If your contact has checked their email and the ecard was not received, it's usually due to one of these main issues that are out of our control:
a) SPAM FILTERS: The email is being blocked by your friend's SPAM filter. Contact your friend and ask them to check their SPAM or Junk Mail folder. It is usually possible to adjust SPAM filter settings to allow future emails. You may also ask your contact to add to their 'white or safe list'.
b) BLOCKED EMAILS: The email provider you are sending to is blocking 3rd party emails from websites such as There may be a way to adjust this setting or flag certain emails as being acceptable.
c) Work-assigned emails: Government, School, Hospital, First Responder, Retail and Corporate group servers have highly-tuned filters that will not always permit emails from commercial sites to be delivered. In this case, please use a private email for your contact, if possible.
d) Gmail: If your friend is a Gmail, Yahoo or other email application user, your ecard may have ended up in the inbox under the PROMOTIONS tab or in the SPAM or ALL MAIL folders. Your contact can move this ecard to their inbox by locating the ecard and clicking on the NOT SPAM button. All future ecards from ecardfoundry will then be delivered to their inbox as normal. You may also ask your contact to add to their 'white or safe list'. In addition, if your contact adds to their email address book, future ecards from you will be successfully received in their regular inbox.
SOLUTION: The easiest solution in these cases is to email a LINK to your ecard using your personal email account. You can do this easily from the HISTORY page by clicking on the Copy Card URL button next to the ecard you'd like to resend on the HISTORY page. The info is automatically saved. Next, compose a regular email for your friend and place your curser in the body of the email and PASTE (right-click, use the PASTE command under EDIT in the top menu bar, 'command V' on a MAC, or place and hold your finger until the PASTE option appears on iphone or ipad.) A link to your ecard will appear in email. Send your email as usual. Since the email is coming from your email, it is less likely to get flagged as spam.
If you've reached your contact and found out that your ecard was picked up and viewed, but it did NOT register on the HISTORY page, it may be due to remote access restrictions. Some email applications block remote content such as that coming from third party sites, like ECF, and require the viewer to click to allow each download. In this case, your contact may view the ecard, but unfortunately it does not always register as being picked-up. In order to help avoid this, ECF includes a clickable link with each ecard.
Please use any of the following e-mails to write us a note and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
ECF is a service created to facilitate communication. By signing-up with a profile and sending an ecard on our site, you are agreeing to the following terms.
Members understand that these terms may be updated at any time without notice.
Members agree that ECF may need to contact it’s users from time-to-time in the normal course of conducting membership business.
Members are entirely responsible and liable for all activities conducted through usage of our services. Members agree to use this service at their own risk.
ECF is in no way responsible for adverse interpersonal situations or reactions that arise as a result of sending an ecard.
Members agree that their e-mail address will be displayed in ecards that are delivered via email.
Members and visitors are free to e-mail, post and share the ecards, but ECF retains the copyright to all ecards. The ECF logo is positioned on the bottom right of each ecard, thereby implying copyright ownership.
Ecard artwork may not be altered or copied or used in any way other than specified.
ECF ecard service is intended for use by persons aged 13 and over.
Members agree to not use the service for junk mail or spamming.
Members agree to use our ecards in a lawful and respectful way.
Members should not use our service to harass anyone. If a contact does not want to hear from you, sending them an unwanted ecard is contrary to our terms. ECF can not be held responsible for such actions.
Messages included in personalized ecards should never be abusive, threatening or obscene. ECF shall have the right, but not the responsibility, to remove messages which are deemed at our discretion to be objectionable.
ECF does not guarantee delivery of ecards or notifications. ECF has tried to identify potential issues and offer workaround solutions, however we cannot be held responsible for filters and limits placed on recipient's servers or email providers over which we have no control.
From time-to-time, ECF may experience technical issues and members may be temporarily unable to send ecards. ECF may or may nor advise members of this situation via email. This situation is likely to be very short-term and will have no bearing on the value of a yearly membership.
As a rule, ECF does not refund membership fees. We offer an opportunity to pre-test our service by offering 2 free ecards before you sign up. Proceeding to Premium Membership is at your own discretion. If you choose to cancel ECF’s service once you’ve signed-up for PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP, your account will remain valid for the full one-year term and you will not be rebilled.
Yearly membership will be renewed by auto-rebilling unless cancelled. members will receive an email
in advance of the anniversay of their sign-up date giving them an opportunity to opt out.
ECF has done it's best to mitigate typographical errors in it's cards, but should an error occur, ECF is not responsible for any negative effects of sending a flawed ecard.
All ECF ecards posted on a third-party or social media site have an embedded link back to our website. Copyright remains with ECF.
ECF has a team of technicians and sophisticated monitoring systems in place to help mitigate viruses. However, in the unlikely event of a virus passing to a member as a result of third-party interference, ECF will not be held responsible.
ECF payments are handled on a secure third-party site. ECF does not keep member's financial information on file. Any issues with security that arise as a result of these transactions are not the responsibility of ECF.
ECF does not invite nor welcome suggestions for design, ecard themes or creative sayings from members. Any unsolicited material will be destroyed without being read. ECF's team of designers and writers hopes to avoid any confusion over copyright in this way. We strive to only use original ideas from our creative team. If there is any coincidental similarity, ECF is completely absolved from any compensatory responsibility.
Members agree to ECF's terms, inclusive of any future amendments, for the length of their membership and for as long as they have a profile in our database once their membership has lapsed.
To have your profile permanently removed from our database, please contact us at:
The privacy of our membership is something we take very seriously at ECF.
We collect a minimum of information from our members. We do not share that information with anyone. We do not make our website user's email addresses available to anyone!
ECF is not an anonymous service. Member's emails are displayed on our ecards to protect card recipients from anonymous harassment. However, we cannot be responsible for someone signing-up using a spoof e-mail. ECF has systems in place to check for suspicious e-mails, but if you are the recipient of such an emailing, please email us at once:
Our PROFILE form requires an email address. ECF will not release or sell this information to anyone. PROFILE MEMBERS understand that ECF will occasionally email it’s users about membership or technical issues.
PREMIUM MEMBERS agree to receive a minimal amount of business or membership correspondance from ECF. In addition to renewal or billing notifications, ECF may occasionally contact members about technical issues, new site developments and improvements, to conduct a poll (so that we can keep improving our service), or in order to showcase new ecards. ECF agrees to keep such emailings to a minimum, however, members may still choose to opt out of all emailings not relating to
billing or membership renewal.
We are an Anti-SPAM site.
We do not make our member's email addresses available to anyone!
Members may not use ECF's service to send ecards to names on junk mail lists, nor send ecards to people with whom they are not acquainted.
Sending multiple ecards with an 'advertising' message is in violation and will be considered just cause for membership termination.
ECF does not sell advertising of any sort and our ecard system does not contain links to advertiser's sites.
If you have any questions or comments regarding ECF's privacy policy, please contact us at:
Cookies may be established by our browser during a site visits to track visits and to gather non-personal data that help determine ECF's future direction. Cookies also help save user passwords so they don't have to be re-entered with each site visit.
Members and visitors are free to e-mail, post, print and share the ecards, but ECF retains the copyright to all ecards. The ECF logo is positioned on the bottom right of each ecard, thereby implying copyright ownership.
Ecard artwork may not be altered or copied or used in any way other than specified.
Most ecards contain original artwork or wording, the copyright for which is assumed by Some ecards feature photography, artwork, clip art or original fonts used by permission from artists who have either authorized usage through free sites or paid sites (eg:, membership websites (eg:, font/graphic collections (eg:, or through other direct arrangements, the documentation for which remains on file. While the completed (flattened ecard) is the copyrighted property of ECF, copyright for individual elements is retained by the individual artists.
You may not use copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner.